Covid-19 Guidelines

Newport News SDA Covid-19 Guidelines

Due to the Global pandemic going on we are doing everything we can to keep our members safe.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when attending a church function.

Sanitation Guidelines:

  • Face masks are required upon entering the queue for the health screening until exiting the church after the service.
  • At least 6 feet of social distancing must be maintained.
    • Please – NO hand shaking, hugs, elbow bumps, etc.
  • Continue to practice good hygiene:
    • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces.
    • Avoid touching your face.
    • Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or the inside of your elbow.
    • Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of illness.

Attendance Guidelines and Expectations:

  • Anyone with fever, body aches, chills, cough, or otherwise feeling ill should not attend. Those with active allergy-related coughing or sneezing should also stay home.
  • Senior citizens and those with certain preexisting conditions are at a higher risk and should prayerfully consider when to resume attendance.
  • For those unable to attend; Offerings may be given through, or by sending your offerings to Barbara or John
  • When attending in person services face masks are required. Please bring your own.
  • Children must remain with their parent/guardian at all times.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at the front door. The church is cleaned and sanitized after all gatherings.
  • Bulletins will not be distributed.
  • Bibles and hymnals have been removed from the sanctuary.
  • Bathrooms will be limited to one occupant at a time.
  • The drinking fountain will not be available. Please bring your own water.
  • There will be no fellowship lunch.

For more information on how to protect yourself please visit the CDC website at